It was Ten Days Ago...

About ten days ago I released my WordTips Videos 2024 Collection. It contains 104 videos (over 8 hours) that I published on YouTube, all from last year. The videos have been re-mastered and even come with a 160+ page e-book that contains transcripts for each video. All of this is sent to you on a handy USB 3.2 flash drive.

Since I just announced the collection (about ten days ago, as I just said), you can currently get the WordTips Videos 2024 Collection for 33% off the normal price, which is a GREAT deal. Make sure you take some time to check it out here:

The special discount is only available through this coming Wednesday (February 19), so time to take advantage of the discount won't last forever.

I hope you enjoy the tips in this week's newsletter!


WordTips (menu) for 15 February 2025

Word is a great word processor
Changing Toolbar Location

If you don't like where your toolbars are located, just move them around.

Read this tip »

Word is a great word processor
Keeping Fields and Text Together

You can use fields for a wide variety of purposes in your documents. If you want to make sure that a field and the text that follow it stay together, on the same line, then you may be surprised to find out this can't be done in Word.

Read this tip »

Become a Mail Merge Wizard

Do you want to become a mail merge magician? Discover everything from the basics to being able to complete all your documentation needs—it's all here! Experience the magic today!

Word is a great word processor
Selecting a Field

Do you need to select a field? It is as simple as selecting a single character, as this tip explains.

Read this tip »

Changing Text Case Many Times

Word provides a built-in shortcut to change the case of a text selection. Understanding how that shortcut works (and the other options available to you) can make some editing tasks easier.

Read this tip »


WordTips YouTube Channel

Do you like to learn visually? Make sure you check out the WordTips YouTube channel. New videos are added weekly. (I typically try to add them on Tuesdays and Thursdays.)

New video: Distributing Table Rows Evenly
If you've adjusted the height of your table and the rows within the table, you might want to later return all those rows to a uniform height. In Word this is referred to as "distributing" rows, and it is an easy task to do, as discussed in this Quick Tip.


New video: Hyphenating Your Document
One of the final touches you can add to a document is to hyphenate it. This allows text to flow more smoothly from line to line, giving your document a more professional look. Here's how to achieve the hyphenation.


Special Note!

I've been publishing WordTips for years. Decades, actually. The newsletter you are reading right now is for very old versions of Word. I still publish it because I know that some people are still using very old versions of Word. Most people, however, are using newer versions of the program. If you are are using a newer version of Word (2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, or the version in Microsoft 365), then you should seriously consider changing to the version of the newsletter designed for you. You can do so by clicking this link.

Thanks for your support of WordTips, and I hope you enjoy whichever version of the newsletter you receive. If you have any questions, just let me know.

WordTips is a free service of Sharon Parq Associates. You can find thousands of tips at our website and a whole lot more. WordTips is part of the Tips.Net network.
Sharon Parq Associates, Inc.  •  PO Box 1187  •  Mountain View, WY  82939